The “First Meeting of the Inter-Institutional Working Group l(IWG) on Prevention of Water Pollution and Tailings Safety in Uzbekistan” was held in Tashkent. The IWG is organized under the project “Strengthening action in Uzbekistan on water and sanitation and protection of water resources from accidental pollution in the face of climate change”. The project is being implemented by UNECE and funded by the Swiss Development & Cooperation (SDC).
Madina Khalmirzaeva, Director of Nazar Business and Technology, LLC – NBT, participated in the meeting as a UNECE consultant and moderator in the session on “Strengthening National and Regional Management in Industrial Safety/Tailings Dam and Water Resource Safety in Uzbekistan”. She also gave presentations on the following topics: ” Road Map for Uzbekistan’s accession to the Industrial accidents Convention and development of a draft Joint Contingency Plan for the Syr Darya River Basin: key elements, support by national authorities and next steps” and “Interventions and questions by national authorities; agreement of the next steps for the implementation of the project’s activities “.